Dr Sayed Ahmed, first PhD in Pedorthics in Australia

On 2nd February 2024, the graduation ceremony for the first PhD in Pedorthics took place at a graduation event of Southern Cross University at the Gold Coast.

Sayed Ahmed graduated with the first Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree as a Pedorthist in Australia. The PhD was rewarded for his research on “Footwear and insole prescription for people with diabetes and neuropathy who are at high risk of plantar forefoot ulceration”.

In his work, Dr Ahmed aims to develop a set of design principles for footwear and insole that prevents neuropathic plantar forefoot ulcers in people with diabetes. He is also exploring the area of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve personalised medical device prescriptions for improved adherence and patient outcomes.

Dr Ahmed started his professional career with a Bachelor of Science in Footwear Technology, which he was awarded from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Following that he worked for several years in the footwear industry before completing his MBA, at the University of Dhaka.

In 2009, Dr Ahmed migrated to Australia as a skilled migrant. Here in his new home, he underwent the required education to become a CPed CM (Au), the Australian Pedorthists Registration Board.

Dr Ahmed holds appointments at the high-risk foot clinics in Nepean and St Vincent’s Hospitals, Sydney and at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide. He is a committee member of the Foot Network Working Party of the National Association of Diabetes Centres (NADC), Australia and co-author of the Australian National High-Risk Foot Service Standards.

Dr Ahmed operates his Pedorthics clinics in 2 locations in Sydney with a focus on services for Diabetes-related foot issues. He also operates a Pedorthic facility in Bangladesh and aims to improve service in Pedorthics in that country.

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